Tuesday, July 28, 2009
State of My Union
I'm still doing great and feeling well and the fact that my wife is healing nicely from her recent shoulder/collarbone surgery is a huge relief to all. Not much going on in my life but the normal humdrum of everyday, the boys are being young and incredibly dumb, Ty got his first speeding ticket, 5 weeks into owning his drivers license! Braz is still unemployed and using and abusing his low self esteem GF Nikki Noodles, love that little girl but she is a moody little girl and never know which girl is coming to visit? Work is great, the summer is awesome and the diet is going great ! My ambition is to lose 60 lbs by March timeframe and the New York trip, I will do this and feel good already having lost 10-12 lbs and working harder at the gym and at the dinner table. Still following my dodgers and finished up the Tour De France and all its glory. The Motorcycle season is closing down and am somewhat unsettled as to the direction the new organization is taking, i fear that it will lose its best racers to its lack of focus and vision for the future, Mat Mladin my true hero and champion of racing and strong opinions has come right out and said he has lost interest and hope and can't wait for the season to end at this point, this being said with a 100 plus point lead in the championship. This troubles me but maybe there will be a new star riding in his own camp with him as we speak. World superbike is doing well and Ben spies is coming on strong, the American is kicking ass and taking names and with the exception of a few crashes ,some not his fault he would be way in the lead in that championship, but he is a few points behind and should take the lead after the next 2 races for sure. My interest in my GSXR is high right now, the weather is right, the roads are free and I can't ever wait for the weekends to get on the bike and ride the hallowed local canyon roads in my own backyard. Yes, all is well in my world and Mom is even getting better after bouts with hospital visits for her ongoing BP problems and kidney issues,but there is a cure in sight and I am happy for that, yes all is well and i feel somewhat fortunate for feeling so good and enjoying life as I know it should be enjoyed. Not much to complain about in my world, for if there was I would just fix it. as far as the rest of the world, they can go get fucked with their stupidity and narrow mindedness and closed off thought process, i swear everybody s a bible thumping Republican or something, but the world is one of those can't control, don't sweat it kind of propositions and cannot be too engrossed with its' issues and only rant about my displeasure's to vent and wish everybody had things easier and simpler for sure. Yeah what we find as newsworthy is somewhat disturbing to me, we still talk about racism about police officers arresting a black man we still speak of Talentless starlets who date athletes then break up and think its important and newsworthy,it's Not! And we still somehow lose in the muddle the important things like Health reform and world politics in the middle east which generally start most of the worlds' conflicts, yeah these things piss me off and wish the magic wand of the Gregasaurus could make it all right, but I can't ,so i don't and leave the world to fend for itself, I can control my world and do so rather well -thank you very much!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Post Op
The surgery on my wife went well and the recovery has begun. with Much pain and discomfort and many attempts to get comfortable wherever she sits. But being a work in progress time is our best friend and with each passing day come a healthier shoulder and collarbone healing by the minute! Each day brings her more movement and more self therapy and exercises to make it mobile once again. She has the boys and her mom hanging out with her dudring the day when I'm at work so i'm at ease with her being taken care of well. A big load of worry is off our minds and now we can look forward to being healthy for our New york trip this upcoming Spring break. Good Times Indeed!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Wifes' Surgery
Tomorrow is the long awaited once cancelled surgery for my wife, her collarbone and rotator cuff need surgical help to get her back on trach. Originally scheduled for the 12th of June she had to cancel as she caught a cold and they would not do it. So the 21st July is the date and that is tomorrow so I keep positive thoughts and hope that she comes out fine and that her recovery is as quick and painless as possible for my wonderful wife. I would be lying if I said that I was not worried about this as her collarbone is dangerously close to her windpipe and that scares me and the doctors as well but the say that they have it under control! So I put my trust in the medical people and cross my fingers for good things to happen, being a Atheist I couldn't very well pray, not only would that be hypocritical but a waste of time, things will go as the are supposed to and I have to believe that even amongst all of my fears of something bad happening to my sweetie that she will be just fine tomorrow!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Warming Up again
Summer is here and it is Superbike and golf season again, actually here in socal it is All things all of the time and every season is year round here, compliments of our incredible weather. S riding the bike has started back up with new tires and brakes to jump start the busy riding season with the boys from the Prozac crew! Waitinf for the Mizuno Golf clubs fdrom the UPS man to start playing more golf, figured 10 years out of my Pings its time for some new clubs and a new attitiude for the summer season of Golf. Hoping to get back into the 80's again with my golf score and continue kicking ass on the superbike chasing Prozac around southern california on the GSXR and crewin it up with the boys from the crew! Yes it is going to be a break through summer here in the Nard. Good times ahead, busy schedules, healthy lifestyles and much goodness to look forward to, more of the same for next yea too!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Disrespected and Betrayed Again!
Our 16 year old who transferred high schools thinking he was going to play Football has already been told he was ineligible per CIF high school rules, but yet he wants us to fraudulently sign a court paper saying that he lives with his dad in order to play. We said we would not lie and would not sign anything. He now wants to go to the courts and plead his case that he is living with his dad. How do you convince a kid that wrong is wrong and rules were set up so that kids don't transfer every season to play at a particular high school with programs that are better than their current school at a given sport. Once again the narcissistic side of this kid comes out and he's playing the victim role when in fact cannot take responsibility for the lack of forethought in his decision and wants us to lie to make his bad decision a good one for him. We have too much integrity and especially with his betrayal to his mother and I will never sanction anything for his benefit again, it's called biting the hand that feeds you and shitting where you sleep. We don't lay that backdoor , deceitful crap and feel ashamed that our lessons went unwatched and un-heeded, too bad, the boy has lost his only ally. Too bad so sad, can't help those who choose not to take the best gifts in life that are given for free.... Integrity, wisdom and Honesty!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Lifestyle Change of Getting Healthy!
today was the first day to try to get back in shape and lose weight and get healthy. My wife , sister and brother in law are taking a New York trip next March and made a bet of weight loss and health status by the time our trip kicks off. Wife and sister proclaim 40 lbs each ,brother in law 25 lbs and I will lose minimum of 60 lbs and will try for more, but am sure 60 will be managable. I go to the gym religiously and will have a goal in mind and that the bright lights of new york and being healthy are all the stimulation I will need. Today was the first day of eating right and staying active at the gym. Having been down this road before at a much younger age I will need to be uber disciplined and know that the body metabolic meter is turned to the low settings and that I have to jump start my system with ,the right foods, plenty of water and an exercise regiment of Cardio and intense resistance training and a circuit of high reps ,low weights at the gym. The gym s the easy part, the worktime potlucks and the family BBQ's will be the hardest thing to resist, that and the fact that my specialties are cooking and baking, fllowed by testing said cooked products. This will be a battle, but it is a battle that I am willing to work towards and sacrifice my cravings for the bettermentof my health. So come 8 months from now I will have a good story to tell and a better feeling of health and a spring in my step that has been missing for a long time. Here's to lifestyle changes and and a re-directed positive energy!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Neverland!!! WTF

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Putting Things Behind me
With the recent happenings with the Boy , me and My wife have decided that we are no longer allowing the boys to shit on us anymore and disrespect us and themselves by taking the quick fix easy way out that their father always seems to provide them. We have provided the examples of proper living and taught them the ways to succeed in life and that hard work and perseverance are the cornerstones to leading a good propserous life. We have given and provided too much now and will pull back the reigns and see what Mr. wonderful ,their father can do for them emotionally and financially, the man is bankrupt on all fronts so they get nothing but the fact that they screwed the people who have been the protectors and providors of all things good to try and develope in to young men instead of todays' typical youthful slug! I am very bitter at this last chain of events as this boy was riveted to everything I said and did and i gave him the love and attention that a stepfather rarely does, introduced him to all of the sports he played, showed him how to catch a baseball, football, Shoot basketball and anything else athletic he got from me! But a young mans memory and allegiance are never far from a bribes swoop and I have lost him to the golden touch of fantasy land, where no is never heard and parents don't know what their kids are doing and where they are doing it, but they can call their kids friend!! I won't participate in this bullshit and can wash my hands from trying to do right by somebody elses kids! Game over !!!So i move on and await the final 18th birthday and live my life with my wife, no burdens, no worries, no fucking disrespectful kids
Friday, July 3, 2009
Deceived and Cheated
I feel a sense of fury that I haven't felt in a long time. When my step son Ty decided to go backdoor on his mom and I the other day and really upset my applecart. We bought Ty a used car and paid for his drivers training and drivers ed online. He's a 3.5 gpa student and an overall good kid that sometimes suffers from narcissistic tendencies,it's seemingly always about him and he whines when he doesn't get his way. So he had his car, got a job at the local Vons and was set for a football season on the Varsity team. Going to summer practices was a chore as he was working and couldn't make all of the practices so he wasn't getting the reps in practices and felt he was not a coach favorite, trying to explain that if I were a coach I would give the reps to the person who is always there. He then made excuses that he had to work to pay for half of his car insurance and all of his fuel costs, we then explained , lifes' about choices and that come season time he would have to earn his starting spot back with hard work, he then says the coaches don't like him but we emphasized that he needed to put the work in and earn that spot when the pads were on in the fall. His father moved back into the area in May and apparently they had an agreement that if he moved to camarillo that he would be enrolled at Camarillo high come new school year in September. Thus of course all unbeknownst to us and the other day we were blindsided by him as he said he wanted to go to Cam high, he asked, knowing full well he was going to do it anyway and we said hell no you're not. He whined and whined why why why? and we told him that this is his school and that he had no business going to the rival school because he didn't want to play for his current school because the "program Sucks" Well his dad and mom spoke about it and apparently he thinks that a 16 yr old should be able to make a decision on school issues because his daddy wants to be his friend and not his parent, so he pulled his trump card and I pulled mine, I took his car away and took his insurance away and already assuming that we would do this his dad bought him a beater vehicle to use all backdoor so that he would go to the school he wanted and still have a car to drive. We have thrown our hands in the air and have give up on trying to raise this guy with morals and ethics, and apparently hanging out with the kids in camarillo where his dad lives has become a partier and drinking when he is at his dads house, all of which we do not tolerate and would never attend paties on our watch which is currently one week here and one week there. I introduced both of my step boys to sports and being honest, developing character and being true to themselves and being leaders not followere. This is a serous setback for me and their mother, we feel a breach of trust and a real sense of letdown in knowing we have provided the proper examples both verbally and in lifestyles. I feel that this experience has really opened my eyes as todays youth is so selfish and live for the moment that we as Parents are in for a long line of disappointments in this quick fix youth movement . Both of my step boys have breached our trust and I can honestly say not because of their mother, I truly feel that this easy way out mentality is a genetic defect that they obtained from their Mr. Wonderful Disneyland Dad. Sorry but I feel I gave so much over the past 11 plus years to these boys only to be shit on and watching the disappointment that the mother feels hurts me even more. Thank Goodness for Brandon , my 23 year old who has made his childish mistakes and has atoned and grown and thanked me for everything I have taught him, no better feeling than to be rewarded with respect and appreciation from my child. I always hear my wifes voice, 3 more months til one of them turns 18 and a little over 16 months before the last one turns 18, then we are officailly done, or at least I am, lifes lessons will play a cruel trick on those who do not respect their parent, the parent who says no for a reason, not yes to be looked upon as Super dad. So I vent and feel better but still feel deceived and cheated upon for the easy way out was taken and that's not what we are about!
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