After Our new President was elected as the 44th President of our incredible country I felt a real sense of Pride about us, how far we had come as a country to elect a man of color to the most powerful office in the world! Even thought to myself that people of color had to get off the race card thing and stop crying racism for every injustice or mis-appropriation as they saw it. I was tiring to hear people of color, black, brown, Asian, whatever the case may be say that it was because the color of their skin that they didn't get the job, or get accepted in to the college or whatever that particular case was, the fact that it was overused and getting old. Here i am, a Hispanic man of nearly 47 years and have never openly felt discriminated against ,or not given ,or even given something based on my heritage or skin color. I speak proper English and carry myself in the manner that I was raised, to be representative of myself and my family name. I do realize that some of the tensions could in small part to the "reverse discrimination" that non ethnic folks feel when they become part of the reverse cycle and get shut out because they are not minorities. I can understand this anger and two wrongs don't make a right, it's kind of like what the Government is doing for the American Indians, I'm sorry , Native Americans and their casinos that are not taxed ,or taxed very little if at all. This over compensation is not fair to the rest of the tax paying society but Its something that i suppose we could protest if we really wanted to, obviously not many do!
Move to current times and the overzealous and hateful fear mongering that the supposed religious right is taking on as we speak. Funny how religious people can be the wolf in sheep's clothing when it fits their purpose. To be religious is to be fair and supposed to work for God to help and Love all people for all of their strengths and all of their weaknesses, doesn't say anything about color or political or church preference! But apparently there is a divide, when you make policies, or in Obamas case try toi make sweeping new policies it somehow becomes un American and socialism to try to help people who are need of reforms to get health care, to find jobs, and to afford and refinance badly written home loans. Take into consideration that the cask for clunkers program sold over 700,000 new cars that probably wouldn't have been sold otherwise and kept plants and dealerships open and people working so they can live, play and breathe like Americans should, FREELY and with spirit. But that was even called Big govt gets involved in the private sector socialism. Everything the religious Republicans stand for is essentially the opposite of what our new Administration is trying to change. The Way it was is still good enough for them because it was their guy George Bush who made it the way it was , a complete failure and yet these narrow minded people do not want things to improve, based on their antiquated mindset of Being Theocratic instead of Democratic, this country needs a change and what makes it so great is our ability to do so. To hear the nut jobs say that they hope our President fails just speaks of the old buddy system, where it "ain't our guy in there" so we hope he fails and we can say "HaHa" i told you so. there are too many people that have too much to lose to think like these backwoods, slow churners and get back to reality of changing things for the better, leaving things the way they are is bringing Bush back in and giving him another 8 years to fuck it up more so. So rather than sit here and call the right extreme racists, there are some that feel this way I'm sure, but the fact that their religious based ideology makes them, think the way they do makes me proud to be an Atheist, to not subscribe to the belief that a christian in good conscience has the ability to hate lie this and the power to spread lies , fear and deceit with words, signs and rallies, even to embrace a New network ,FOX news to be your mantelpiece of spreading the lies, hate and disrespect for our leaders and our countries. We need to start thinking with our minds, and hearts and consciences again, the guilt fear and lies is old testament to the ways they did things 2000 years ago and you saw where that got those people.
Who amongst us has not used a racial slur, or thought when angered by a certain person, we all have and that makes us human, not racist, but when we stay there and play there and think that everything somebody does or doesn't do is based on the color or creed of their ilk is truly Racism. I've called a black person a Nig Nog, or the n-word, a Mexican a Wetback, cheddar, taco Bender, jews called kikes or jerw fuck oir Auschwitz survivors, Asians dinks, japs slant eyes and so on so forth. But these were all used when these people were acting ridiculous and put me in a state of rage where It was a quick lash out of stupidity on my part based on my anger at the time, Yeas it was wrong and yes i felt bad afterwards for doing so, but for me to get to that point took a catastrophic occurrence to make me explode like that. regardless it was wrong i take responsibility for it and know I was wrong for it. I have good friends and people i call family who are all of the above and varying in all nationalities and genders and sexual preferences and i make no determination other than the fact "are they good ,honest, trustworthy and loving people"?Obviously they are and they are called my internal circle, but am i a racist for slipping up ,NO! Can religious people put in a political circle who pass laws , or don't pass bills that affect peoples lives seemingly done based on origins and skin color and the fact that others don't eat ,sleep and breath biblical terminology and lifestyles? What would you rather be, a typical married couple living in hate and misery, cheating on each other and raising kids to be and do the same as their examples in front of them? or an gay couple who loves and cherishes each other and goes against the norm and is forever penalized for their happiness? Sucks to be different Sucks to be Happy. the system and the priorities of our far right govt needs to be real Christians and do what is best for today's living American people, not what worked for Cain and Abel.... Ok my work is done here!!!!
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