Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A World of Chance!

After a very good dialogue with Chancey this afternoon about many things on many fronts, I reinforce the reasons why i admire him so much. Not many people understand the real Greg, they say they do and know how i was raised and brought up, all good Catholic upbringing with the right amounts of guilt, hatred and judgemental slayings of other to make the good  book happy. Well I had nothing to do with that upbringing and ruled myself away from that whole Catholic thing at the age of 9 when the Nun told me I was going to hell fro stealing something and lying to my parents, granted it was a coupe of quarters and a sucker from my brother and i lied that i was not in trouble in school on a certain day to my folks. So off to hell i went as a 9 year old according to Ms. Nevergetlaid. With that sore taste in my mouth from the church of guilt i went on, my mother surprisingly didn't make me get my first Communion, or confirmation or whatever the fuck those jackholes do to make you spend more money in their church and make you feel that much guiltier as a result of being born a sinner and a human being! so back to my man Chancey who has some of the finest writing skills in the land and along with my son Brandon can always Wow me with the written word.

My man Chancey has thrown the whole Reunion thing at me over the past year or so and we both agreed not to go unless the other one goes, well i don't want to go and he doesn't want to go and as i told him ,I'm so over friggin high School and the few that i care about are Facebook friends and that's all i need to be honest here.  The phony and synthetic astro turfer we call class of 81 are just that, very .very fake and i didn't like them in high School and they probably didn't care for my wise ass either so all in all win win for everybody concerned. Talking to Chance he and i are really on the same page when it comes to most everything  ideologically speaking, we are both live and let live liberals who really think the bible thumpers and Tea Party extremist bought and paid for by big business we call the Koch Brothers and Dick Armey area fucking joke to intelligent people. I do appreciate his insight on most everything from Baseball to Red headed voluptuous woman that he truly is enamored by , to include ex porn stars and current Folk singers alike!  I have reconnected with a few really good people via facebook but all in all it really is the last and first line of defense for Terria and i to communicate with our son braz in Afghanistan when he is there as he is now, we hope to hear from him and do on occation and thus i keep my facebook page alive and well.

Thanks Bob Chancey for allowing me to be me and not ever judging me or making false pretense about the way i was raised or my moral values, i have made so many mistakes but as red blooded human beings  we are entitled to do that very thing and ask for the forgiveness from the proper person, not some red blooded sinner as i am, and thanks for also allowing me to speak my mind and never getting butt hurt when I do, taking the time to know me for me and not who you think i should be. No, Facebook is not a stage for me to perform, i don't know how to be anything but myself and the drum beat i call  my own is all I know, it may be a tired song but it is my Song that i will never apologize for playing the way I do. And Thank you Bob for never condemning me for my indiscretion's a year and half ago, nor judging me in the least bit. I am very blessed to have the friends that i have chosen and the ones who have chosen me back and accept me for the flawed person that i am. I don't carry a bible with me but feel I am a better christian than most who do, i don't carry a firearm because my words and intelligence can stop a war from starting or end one after it starts!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Typical Me!

Sitting across the table from Terria in typical nightly fashion, tonight having a conversation about recipes for deep dish Chicago style pizza which he hope to attempt here soon. Each of us playing with the modernistic technology created by Apple and the formerly amazing Steve Jobs, the Apple mark has made it's mark on the world and we are a part of it whether we want to be or not, we are either a part of the wave or the bridge that it flows freely away from I guess. Listening to Terria coughing is a little disconcerting and troublesome to say the least, must have caught something from one of the kids at school and brought it on home to enjoy for herself. Still looking at recipes online and I'm playing itunes library of current and past tunes from last month all the way to the 60's, loving the music , t relaxes an already relaxed man to even more fluid places emotionally, tonight's selection is Foster the people and the toe tapping has begun.

After dinner worked on the DVD for a friend, still need to cut and paste a little to get it to fit on a 2 hour disc and eventually will figure it all out. Meanwhile thumbing through my New Yorker magazines, have a few editions that I have yet to read and am doing catchup a bit, also started re -reading Sex, Mom and the bible by Frank Schaeffer and am trying to get back into the swing of reading again, have about six or seven books I need to read and plan on dong so real soon.

Feeling a bit tired tonight, had an early dinner and watched a little TV and am surfing here on the web and doing a little writing  to keep the razors sharp when I really need them in a battle of wits or something stupid on Facebook, yeah right , as if I could ever get into an interesting conversation in that cesspool of simplicity and teddy bear hugging contests but I defer to my passions elsewhere and I will. Not much happened at the gym, was a very good hour of working the lower body and back today and feel really ready to shower and call t a night before watching season 8 of wings before bed tonight. So much for the excitement and flare that is lacking tonight but it's Tuesday and it's all I have today is a little bit of nothing to share on this side of the literary equator, or as I prefer , the nice side of town over here on the Gregasaurus site.Keeping it light, but trying to keep it real. Will try to muster up a little more tomorrow after some thought about my co-workers plight with the bitch ex and how he plans on conquering the new found Parenthood that might just kick his ass... I hope not but the grumblings can be heard from far away, we need to man him up a bit and see where it all leads! Good Night

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Quick fly by

Posted allot of music around here and not much writing at all, touching base on this side of the fence and really looking forward to a new workweek after having 4 days off . REally enjoying the news these days and the take back Wall street movement of real grassroots movement not supported by anybody but real people and a few celebrities who truly understand that Wall Street s the root of our issues and owning the politicians have enslaved them to Wall Streets money and in turn has held them captive ,which by proxy hold all americans hostage to the greed and deception!

REading and writing always passions of mine and still trying to further educate myself of things that I know very little about, politics, religion, Social issues and people in general are real points of interest for me, hopefully I can remember this side of the fence to share some thoughts and write some stuff and post less music over her but maybe more serious things that are going on. know 'I had sad that this site wold be the laid back side of things but what the hell,  at times just gotta talk about things others that Music, sports and big at 11 Good night

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tracy Chapman - Telling Stories

This is Tracy Chapmans best song in my it!

Fast car -Tracy Chapman

Does it get any better than this? might but you gotta look far



Scandal-"Love's Got a Line On You" Version 2

So badly done as a Video but what a great song. So many memories of a struggling teenager looking for something to do and somebody to do it with, this song always gave me hope that Love was possible, damn ,aint it true!!!! Yessiree

Scandal Featuring Patty Smyth - All I Want

I can''t even tell you how many times this song skipped across the record player, I do believe I ruined it

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Riverflow - Levellers


Crowded House Recurring Dream Live (7/13)

It's fairly obvious to me why this is my favorite Crowded House song ever Recorded. Thanks Neil Finn and Co.

Crowded House Fall At Your Feet Live

Too cool of a song, , thanks again for the great memories and still great music!

crowded house dont dream its over live

Had the pleasure to see these guys twice and each time what a super show it was! Too many hits to count and they still keep coming in the form of production of others music

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bruce Cockburn, Lovers in a Dangerous Time, 9/11 Moments

A Very Nice tune from 2 of my favorite singers from the 90's and 2 of Canada's best performers. Bruce cockburn and the dude from Barenaked ladies!!!! Good times

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Coupled with surprises, there are a few things in this world that I despise. Besides the aforementioned Surprise element which I am totally not onboard,  I am also inundated with the ongoing disappointment factor from friends and people who say one thing and do another, the fact that the spoken word means nothing and yet i i believe them at their word even when there is nothing on record or in the past that show i should believe or trust one thing that is said. I try to be compassionate and sensitive to others issues and downfalls and even family tragedies but to use and abuse friendships and not be honest when the opportunities are ever present, not Cool at all!

I understand Erwin is in a tough spot, even before his girls illness he was always in a tough spot, working his ass off 2 jobs and still not making ends meet, much of this by his poor choices in spending  but the choice of the bad mate that he has children with are his biggest downfall. Being torn down and beaten up over and over again , even cheating on him with the godfather of their child still he stands by her side, for what. she's not in a class of his in intelligence , not a great looking gal and maybe, just maybe she can suck and fuck like a Tijuana whore and whoop the fuck Dee. Why , ? Why? why? does he continue to chase this tired tail and in the process derail his support group and give in the the love that he thinks he has when in fact he doesn't love himself??? I give up but yet he goes back for more diappointment when in fact he knows no other way, from childhood he was doomed and has yet to give professional help a real shot

I hate to bag on Erwin and Scarlett but my friendship and my kindness and compassion and empathetic ways have been abused for the 3rd time now. This in fact is a mirror image of what Scarlett has done to him and yet i speak almost hypocritically of his choice to take here back. well why do i put myself in a position to keep giving to him and allowing him to owe me money for things bought that he doesn't need, having 6 kids there are sacrifices we must make, his toys aren't one of them and i help to finance some of them. Shame on me for helping a friend and shame on me for expecting his word to mean anything. checking my paypal account again for the 7th straight day after i was told there was money sent there , Nothing, nothing at  all in my account and a friendship that is void of any truth Or meaning. Pisses me off to think that i considered him a real friend at one time, he will pay me i know,but a one year loan is going on 2 plus now and I'm tired off waiting, i have expenses as he does but I didn't borrow from him, he borrowed from me and i f i were a Bank I'd repo the things i sold to him. live and learn and give and be taken advantage of, no more for me , only thing he did was lose a great Friend and make it harder for me to give to the next guy based on my experience with him. Too bad, so fucking sad!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Grind and My Coffee

Back to the grind of trying to figure what the day will bring me, can't put a finger on it but something is out of alignment. Maybe its the Sciatic nerve that's barking up my ass right now with every step I take? At work today the usual suspects aren't here or are not where they are supposed to be, whatever the case may be, don't give a shit, not my job to police them , grown ups need to be watched over which is so sad to me. Human nature is a mother fucker I see and those who can take full advantage of something or someone will do so at the drop of a hat.

  Have a morning meeting with Michael this morning, Terria and i have been 3 weeks without seeing him together, although we go separately , this morning we go together! I don't have any burning agenda to share with him.  As I sit here and watch the most highly strung human being i have ever met, Mr. Scott is amazing with his fervor for life, at times too much energy but the intentions are all good and he does mean well. So ready to depart to see Michael and then go to breakfast with my wife, then head back to works and get out of here at 3:30  and prepare for the weekend.

This weekend should be really good, have our friend(Prozac) Brad Holland coming into town from Baja to hang with terria and I. We have to clean the house and the patio and should recall a few crew members to hang with us and enjoy the old days of crew with stories of old and of new. So being off this Friday will jump on the house and go through it all and then hit the Patio and ready my BBQ grill with some new burners and be able to make a good meal for my friends!

So as i close this I must be thankful to be in a place and be in a position to share the goodness that I have been blessed with, at times we let life take over and spend so much time and energy fixing shit, changing shit and at times forget the plot to life. Life is about living it to the fullest with people around you that bring goodness and not trouble, people who are there when you not only want them but need them , and the other way around as well. Thanks to Frank Schaeffer for offering up another positive mindset to use as a guide to fulfilling a happy exsistance I know i have shared the fact that my world and Terria's world has become such a small and unencumbered place where we enjoy the good, separate the bad and walk through the tunnel with the lights always shining bright on the other end. The one thing that my education and my reading and life skills have taught me is that, positivity is the key to seeing through of allot of this life' bullshit. Being in control of our small circle allows the crap that goes on outside the circle that much more irrelevant and easier to walk away from. So i head out the door on the way to more wellness with Michael!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Have a Thought...just one mind You

I have designs on turning this side of the house back into a rant and rave page where I can unload on eveything stupid and all those who are listening or watching...hear me Sarah Palin, you stupid unethical tard bucket, oh wait that's your kid,no offense to her but stem cell research stops shit like this but you tripped over your bible and can't see your hole in your head through the trees. I know that's so mean and inappropriate but thats' what this side of the house will be about, laughs at dumb people's expense, not very CHristian of me but I have a right to speak freely, even if non PC. Good Times and great days ahead, hopefully we will all be nicer to each other, just not on this side of the house.....lmao

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Roger Hayden Delivers with a 4th at Miller

Roger Hayden Delivers with a 4th at Miller- Avery nice clip at Miller motorsport park in Utah, a good ride by Roger Lee Hayden

A Day in the Life! Govt. Spec

Not much to spout off about today but will make an attempt, in between the Weiner rants and raves and the other crap going on around this fucked up world here I sit in peace and tranquility at my desk and thinking of ways to continue my goodness. Knowing all too well that cannot happen til i get home, so I will try to spread the wealth of Love I'm feeling today to my fellow co-workers and customers.

Ok, enough for the candy-assed dancing around, time to hit somebody over the head with the realities of what's really going on in the world. I look around and see so much hatred people who carry a bible in one hand and a dagger in the other and trying to find a sense of balance in their lives. Therapist must be bat a premium because it seems as if 3/4 of America needs to seek counseling for something or other!! As i said, I sit here at work with time galore and work not aplenty and have time to think and spew and stew over shit all day long. Better to do it now than at home where life begins and work ends, unlike some in our family who bring their work topics and drama home and think it interesting enough to share with's NOT! Trust me siblings , T-i-r-e-d!

Ok that's done and now what to talk about, the economy...not, the Republican...shooting fish in a barrel is old and the ongoing bullshit that's happening in Iraq and afghan is the same meaningless shit, but our boys ares till dying and we have what to gain by being there..WHAT? not a damn thing but making George Bus and Dick Cheney Richer by the day, Go America !!!! LEt's see, Sarah is dead, Michele is retarded and Mitt is a dumbass and anybody else that the Republicans have to throw at Obama are a joke, so now what? 2012 should be another proud victory for our 44th President and I hope he does it again. Change is never painless but always necessary and so tired of hearing people say smaller Govt, less taxes and the same old rhetoric that got this country into trouble yet they give billionaires tax breaks to make them richer and want o make everything for the working class harder to come by by voting down everything The President wants to change.

Lastly I have become more disenchanted with the workforce here in this office, always being the guy to answer the questions and get the answers when I don't readily have them i sit here and watch this place fold in 2, lunchtimes and breaks are the biggest priority here it seems and people are never where they are supposed to be when we need them so we  search and hunt for them in hopes that they are at least in the building, not across the street getting something to eat or mailing a letter. The constant taking advantage of a ultra kind and mellow boss has gotten under my skin and oneday i will blow off some steam where it might hurt some feelings. People  forget this is a work  environment that helps to pay our bills and allows usa to do things away from work that unemployed people are not afforded to do! If I were to put a number on it I would say of the 8 people in this office, there would be 3-4 of us working here if this were run by a real world contractor and not the Government.we have some really great people and nice people but they don't get the concept of work versus play and try to incorporate the two, more of the play than the work which makes those of us who want to get our jobs done that much more difficult. Ok i think I'm done spouting,pouting and spewing my anger , til my next devilish, childish spew off session... Good times

Monday, June 6, 2011

Harley owner meets sportbike owner.

This is even funnier , don't ever show this to a Harley Owner , they will get they're ass chaps all in a bunch...funny Fuckin shit!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Honest Harley Davidson Commercial

Damn this sounds like me spewing my dislike for the Harley Davidson over pricing for bad and old technology,all for the sakes of trying to be cool. Very pretty bikes but would never trust one for a ride longer than to the local bar for a diet soda!!! Funny

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Looking Back!

Always one to forge onward and look ahead I still go back a week ago to Salt Lake City and the the incredible race experience that we enjoyed at the track in Tooele! The speeds and precision of the riders in all classes made me think how cool that would be to get paid to do something you love and are good at. Pulling a motorcycle at 196 mph down a straightaway and coming up to a 75 degree turn is a rush beyond a rush. Getting the bike up that high and then being required to slow it down and bent over to turn  at least 12-15 times per lap depending on the track is amazing and requires so much talent and the Balls the size of Volkswagen's to do so. We were thoroughly impressed with the pageantry of the track and the organization, when they say practice started at 1:20 , it stared at 1:20 exactly no questions ever.So we knew to be in our seats at the given times or we would miss something. This is a trip we might take every year or at least one trip somewhere to watch the races at a different location. I look back also at this time of year last year when things were different for Terria and I , I only look back to remind myself how fortunate I am to be given the chance to fix my shit and get where I need to be physically and emotionally with my Honey Terria. This was a wake up call for the lackadaisical tendencies had set in, there were some internal issues that came to light and with the brilliance of Michael Morales have definitely helped me to not only recognize my faults but to seek and destroy the old ways of doing things. I am not only blessed with the love of my TErria and my family, but for the second chance to make this all right and to make the next 30-40 years God willing a better life than we have enjoy to date. God has blessed  us with many things, the strength and the wisdom to give the praise and acknowledgement of our God for keeping us all  strong and bringing everything into a capsule form so that we could fix it properly. not there yet but the road is getting shorter everyday that passes. Off to the Gym for the 13th time this me I need to go now

Thursday, June 2, 2011

They Just Don't Get It!

It never Ceases to amaze me the lack of understanding ,or grasp on what work and the workplace really is. It allows us to be paid for doing a job and thus allows us to enjoy things outside of work. we laugh we play we attend ballgames and movies based on the fact that we earn a living with the jobs that we have. Well my crew here at work does not grasp that concept and feel at times that this job is a disruption to their play time and expect the government to pay them for that right??? Well once again I sit afront alone in this office while people take their lunches at whatever time they feel like whether or not there is coverage in the office, so I sit and bite my tongue forever in the hopes that somebody will notice the occurrence. When the boss is away the kids will play mentality prevails here for sure. So the Boss comes by the desk at 1115 and notices I'm the only one at the front, he says" where the fuck is everybody at?" I ask that question all of the time I say. He then turns and says ,I'm not happy with this shit and walks off and says we will have a 2 pm meeting to talk about this. He walks off muttering vulgarities under his voice and they are very loud and clear. Keep in mind , he gave out monetary awards for the office just this past Friday in appreciation for the jobs well done and the fact that our customer service rating is well above 93%, a good score for sure and region wide the tops from what they tell us. all i know is that i am appreciative at the fact that we were rewarded for our work and that the ongoing lack or serious work ethic around me is a cancerous thing and know that it will be brought to light at the meeting. I know that I am always where I'm supposed to be and that allot of kids play goes on in this office and we have a very easy Boss to work for that they take full advantage of, at least those who decide to show up to work, or show up reasonably on time! Today is my 3:30 early day to leave , i know the office will suffer some sort of loss either in the extended lunch times periods that we were given or the fact that we will all be required to give up something that was given to us because of the constant abuse of the office and the co-workers code that doesn't exist at all. I for one never leave until i know there are at least 2-3 people covering the office.We are all different in that respect, more after the meeting i spose!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Lost Generation

I try to understand but cannot grasp it all
I seek out answers that have no questions
The how's and why's in life keep piling up
Why do they do , what they do without thought

A revelations comes upon our door
The kids grow up too fast
And know nothing more
Just Surviving life is no way to live

We speak until our lips do bleed
The children hold their hands out when they need
but never listen to the wealth of knowledge
Just playing grown and losing the battle

The parental role that never goes away
we wash our hands and yet the dirt does kling
we speak again and see the nods of agreement
"I know, I know" but know nothing at all

They point the fingers of blame in our direction
they're knowledge stems from their erection
to live and learn is a rite of passage
this generation hasn't learned a thing

grow up too fast and never stop and listen
running away from things that a walking pace would better serve
Sending our lambs to the slaughter is all it is
We corral them til the fence no longer holds them in

Young an dumb and full of Shit
The hits keep coming and we get the blame
We are a reflection of their worldy deeds
be them good or bad we planted the seed

But the reality of a wayward soul
we teach them right  and show the wrongs
Our life experiences are never held onto
they run their course and choose their path

Ther path of least resistance and never the proper way
They grow up too fast and learn not a thing
they raise their kids to do the same
the fingers of blame will never point our way

This "ME" world in which we live
always taking never wanting to give
So much pain and needless frustration
We've raised our kids in "A Lost Generation"

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cannot Wait til 2012-Please Run Sarah...Please!

Posted earlier on Twitter how I really hope Sarah Palin runs for President that way Barrack can relax a bit and know he won't be in any danger of sending the moving truck to the White house to move out after 2012. The absolute two most dangerous people o the planet are her and Michelle Bachmann who truly  have no idea how to live, to communicate or to think rationally. It's essentially all the republican party has left to fight their off kilter fight of lies and story telling to make themselves look better, even want to take away the medic-air for the old and the needy but hey they are trying to save us taxpayers money by not taxing the millionaires and calling that the right thing to do. So with the im pending political season and the mud slinging, the record of our current PResident will rise above and the republicans just don't have an electable candidate to beat him. Should be fun to see the hypocritical Republicans get caught with their pants down and not remembering what stance they held and forgot that it is
all caught on tape and regurgitated back to remind them how they spin their own web to suit the day.  All under the guise of the Bible and the religious right who hide behind the goodness by doing so much bad. Sad to see but the people are smart and will show the truth with their votes...Good times and the wait is on!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Been a Long Time!

Been awhile since I have been on this side of the house, Nov 7, 2010 to be exact. As  write this I'm in Salt Lake City with my wife Terria watching motorcycle races at Miller Motorsports park where the best racers in the world have assembled and put on a great show, 3 more races tomorrow then the 12 hour drive home to the Nard. Been a  great trip so far and really got hooked into some bad weather, it was raining and 48 degrees at the track today but we managed to bundle up and stay warm enough. This sight was my original forum, or Blog as people in the know like to term it these days, but been away and at my other site"openthemind" but feel that this site has been left to die a slow death, my CPR now will hopefully inspire me to keep this side of the house alive and continue to write in a different style or mode of attack, maybe poetry,song writing or just plain loud and obnoxious rants could be the answer, we shall see. But anyway, it is a quick reminder that sometimes we forget who brought us to the dance and go for something new and different, buts it's only me and its the same old bullshit spun from a different side of the aisle is all. Im back but not sure to which degree and which angle to attack my thoughts on this site??? we shall see I suppose.It is mine and I will always own it outright