Sitting across the table from Terria in typical nightly fashion, tonight having a conversation about recipes for deep dish Chicago style pizza which he hope to attempt here soon. Each of us playing with the modernistic technology created by Apple and the formerly amazing Steve Jobs, the Apple mark has made it's mark on the world and we are a part of it whether we want to be or not, we are either a part of the wave or the bridge that it flows freely away from I guess. Listening to Terria coughing is a little disconcerting and troublesome to say the least, must have caught something from one of the kids at school and brought it on home to enjoy for herself. Still looking at recipes online and I'm playing itunes library of current and past tunes from last month all the way to the 60's, loving the music , t relaxes an already relaxed man to even more fluid places emotionally, tonight's selection is Foster the people and the toe tapping has begun.
After dinner worked on the DVD for a friend, still need to cut and paste a little to get it to fit on a 2 hour disc and eventually will figure it all out. Meanwhile thumbing through my New Yorker magazines, have a few editions that I have yet to read and am doing catchup a bit, also started re -reading Sex, Mom and the bible by Frank Schaeffer and am trying to get back into the swing of reading again, have about six or seven books I need to read and plan on dong so real soon.
Feeling a bit tired tonight, had an early dinner and watched a little TV and am surfing here on the web and doing a little writing to keep the razors sharp when I really need them in a battle of wits or something stupid on Facebook, yeah right , as if I could ever get into an interesting conversation in that cesspool of simplicity and teddy bear hugging contests but I defer to my passions elsewhere and I will. Not much happened at the gym, was a very good hour of working the lower body and back today and feel really ready to shower and call t a night before watching season 8 of wings before bed tonight. So much for the excitement and flare that is lacking tonight but it's Tuesday and it's all I have today is a little bit of nothing to share on this side of the literary equator, or as I prefer , the nice side of town over here on the Gregasaurus site.Keeping it light, but trying to keep it real. Will try to muster up a little more tomorrow after some thought about my co-workers plight with the bitch ex and how he plans on conquering the new found Parenthood that might just kick his ass... I hope not but the grumblings can be heard from far away, we need to man him up a bit and see where it all leads! Good Night
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