Monday, January 9, 2012

Mental checkup and Check in

This side of the fence has been neglected for so long, I can only wish that i had enough material to fill these halls with joyful banter and witty spewage coming from the Gregasaurus but to no avail I don't have much to add here anymore but the occasional check in and keep it running and start the motor up every now and then. Life as i know it is getting better each and every day , Terria is amazing as usual and the boys are doing their own thing and growing up and away from the flock. So i can only say that all is well and that I am a work in progress these days never stopping and always moving onward and upward in my personal search for the goodness that I want to Share with Terria and the family. Each day is a victory and the blessing s of life are just that ,Blessings! I have reflected back a bit on a almost 2 years ago when i made the biggest mistake of my life and have still failed to pay it forward in my mind, can't forget but only been forgiven a thousand times! i thank Terria for being the good, forgiven amazing wife to give me so much love and time to heal from my departures in the spring of 2010!That chapter behind us both we live and grow together each day with the thoughts of growing old together but enjoying our middle years currently is so very enjoyable. Thanking terria and God for allowing this growth and without going all Tim tebow on everybody I do appreciate and know where my blessings come from and thank God daily for the goodness that he has bestowed upon my incredible life