Sometimes i touch the world
but cannot feel it's pains
Somedays the sun shines high
yet it begins to rain
just when you think you have it all
Figured out and nicely wrapped up tight
the laws of invincibility break down
and haunt you through the night
Thoughtful mindsets think way too deep
I pray about something for my soul to keep
yet my words and actions aren't always in sync
Over-cooked and not done with more time to think
restful peacefulness and easy days
working on more time to play
when enough is too much
no vices or that daily crutch
always on the personal alert
no more time to crush and hurt
the selfless people and my selfish acts
my self betrayals kept me from being intact
I hold the truths and the past
the self destructions have long since passed
the starting line and finished too
I'm holding truths which i know are true
In looking back i see beyond
where i've been and what I've done
I'm stronger than the things I've broken
My actions stronger than the words I've spoken
This post is a direct result of growing and becoimming more aware of me and my surroundings. The time ,efforts and strengths gained are so worth the hard efforts put in. My departures any more are opportunities to flex my muscles a bit and show off the strength of who I am and what I have become. The little things which i consider things outside of my scope , liek Terria's relationship with her mother and brother are way beyong my help but I still do think about it all of the time, not in a horrible worrisome manner but in a "what the fuck is wrong with these people "way to say the least.