Thursday, September 17, 2009

State of my Status

All is well in the Saurusland motel these days, school is back in session and things are pretty good at this time. My dodgers are doing great and need a few piece of the puzzle to get where they need to be, high school football is in swing and the boy is playing for a rival high school now but at least playing, might have to go see him play a game once my anger subsides a bit! The golf game is getting better and the swing is becoming a more consistant smooth affair. The Prozac crew has met a few times here recently and always a good time for sure, the board is going strong and keeping it real on a daily basis. my Blog here has bee a little slow, my laptop took a dump and is in the shop being repaired as i write so hopefully can make additions more frequently and keep my shit updated, so stay tunes and hope all are doig great and that postivity has enveloped your world, cuz my shit is signed sealed and delivered daily to wherever i step... yeah i have it that good, thank Goodness! be good , be strong , be yourself and fuck the Masses

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