Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rules of Positivity

Life throws out enough curveballs and enough tough breaks throughout the years to give us heartache, headaches and backaches! But thru this all there seems to be a resilience in us human beings that always seems to bounce back and take the world head on. The common thread for me at least has always been surrounding myself with positive , honest ,energetic people, the people that never say never and will always be there to kick you in the ass or pat you on the back whenever needed. I relish the fact that my few select friends are all the things I require and want in no drama, low maintenance pals. And to know that when the bell rings and things get tight i have my back and front covered, always there with the positive outlook providing solutions instead of problems, thats a good place to be. on the other hand, I as a friend and confidant must provide the same and give of myself to those in need, which for my crowd is few and far between. But the way we handle each and every situatiomn in life is in my eyes more important than the issue being dealt with, simple problems can turn into nightmares if mis-handled. My world, my home is a simple yet complex web of daily tasks, all hovering arounfd the mutual respect and admiration for the ones we love and care about. being a father and an example is a key and pivotal role as a dad, however as a parent I can only stress responsibility, accountability and the knowledge of right and wrong, once these children walk out of my doors I can no longer rule or govern their actions, they in fact being the masters of their own rewards or demise! By stressing the positive things and giving them the living examples of consequences and life lessons from somebody who has already been thru it seems like the parental thing to do, whether or not they heed the knowledge and utilize it and not stumple over bumps already travelled is their responsibility. With my friends, and my family "keeping it real and being honest and ultra realistic is the only way i dcan survive. i want to know what I am dealing with, not some prognostication or prediction but an actual knowledge of what I'm doing, how i'm doing it and with whom I am doing it , this may seem extreme and overbearing, but has kept me in line for years and the only way I know how to do things is the right way, which in the end puts us all in that postive zone of knowing where we are and helps us to get where we want to be. People talk about the glass being half empty ,half full, glass too large, whatever it may be it is how we perceive it, the pessimist will see it as half empty, the positive see it as half full whereas the observant person see the glass as too big! I see it as I need to put more in the glass ,I hate half full anything so a full recharge is the only way in my eyes. But the bottom line will always be, think of what we can do, instead of what we can't, be thankful for all that we have instead of dejected for all that we want and don't have, see a negative situatioin as an opportunity to rise above and shine. Be resourceful and enjoy the moment and worry not about that which is beyond our fixing. The solutions to lifes issues are at most times very simplistic, we can sometimes make an easy fix into a dramatic drawn out laborious ,head banging,knuckle dragging hate driven experience (kind of like this sentence ) if we allow it to happen. Think of Can, Will ,Am instead of can't ,won't or don't. negativity can be a cnacer and spread to those around if you aren't positive , you are negative... stay away, fix it or forget it!

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