Monday, November 2, 2009

Concerned! but Optimistic

Went to the Dr a few weeks ago typical BP check and had some blood drawn. Apparently the blood sugar level is higher than it should be so i go i tomorrow to get an evaluation as to what I need to do to bring it down to normal. Other than diet and exercise which has been in place for a longtime now i don't know what else to do. I am sure that this can be corrected and an even more extreme approach will be taken in the form of better diet and more rigorous exercise and see where that takes me in the grand scheme of things. Not much else to write about just enjoying life and doing what i do on a daily basis. Had baked chicken and some sort of veggie medley that I'd never had before, even had fruits for breakfast so the change is upon me now and it feels weird to be eating totally proper and not drinking coffee or sodas, Monsters or Rockstars anymore, even the lo carb sugar free drinks that i have to live without. So it looks like water and juice is going to be my new best friend and see if i can remedy the sugar and see how hard I am willing to work towards getting my health in order. Today is officially day1 of the new revamped lifestyle and know tis is not omething to be taken lightly. So here i go again with another challenge in front of me and looking forward to getting it done in the next 6 months


  1. hey, gregasaurus! Thanks for posting your blog link on Brooke's post! I think these blogs are such an excellent tool for processing! However, I'm a slow mind is easily distracted...I like a lot of pictures!!!!! Anyway, I didn't read this post but I did read your 'about me' section...loved it!!!

  2. I'll come back later and read some!
