Monday, July 13, 2009

Lifestyle Change of Getting Healthy!

today was the first day to try to get back in shape and lose weight and get healthy. My wife , sister and brother in law are taking a New York trip next March and made a bet of weight loss and health status by the time our trip kicks off. Wife and sister proclaim 40 lbs each ,brother in law 25 lbs and I will lose minimum of 60 lbs and will try for more, but am sure 60 will be managable. I go to the gym religiously and will have a goal in mind and that the bright lights of new york and being healthy are all the stimulation I will need. Today was the first day of eating right and staying active at the gym. Having been down this road before at a much younger age I will need to be uber disciplined and know that the body metabolic meter is turned to the low settings and that I have to jump start my system with ,the right foods, plenty of water and an exercise regiment of Cardio and intense resistance training and a circuit of high reps ,low weights at the gym. The gym s the easy part, the worktime potlucks and the family BBQ's will be the hardest thing to resist, that and the fact that my specialties are cooking and baking, fllowed by testing said cooked products. This will be a battle, but it is a battle that I am willing to work towards and sacrifice my cravings for the bettermentof my health. So come 8 months from now I will have a good story to tell and a better feeling of health and a spring in my step that has been missing for a long time. Here's to lifestyle changes and and a re-directed positive energy!!

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