Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Putting Things Behind me

With the recent happenings with the Boy , me and My wife have decided that we are no longer allowing the boys to shit on us anymore and disrespect us and themselves by taking the quick fix easy way out that their father always seems to provide them. We have provided the examples of proper living and taught them the ways to succeed in life and that hard work and perseverance are the cornerstones to leading a good propserous life. We have given and provided too much now and will pull back the reigns and see what Mr. wonderful ,their father can do for them emotionally and financially, the man is bankrupt on all fronts so they get nothing but the fact that they screwed the people who have been the protectors and providors of all things good to try and develope in to young men instead of todays' typical youthful slug! I am very bitter at this last chain of events as this boy was riveted to everything I said and did and i gave him the love and attention that a stepfather rarely does, introduced him to all of the sports he played, showed him how to catch a baseball, football, Shoot basketball and anything else athletic he got from me! But a young mans memory and allegiance are never far from a bribes swoop and I have lost him to the golden touch of fantasy land, where no is never heard and parents don't know what their kids are doing and where they are doing it, but they can call their kids friend!! I won't participate in this bullshit and can wash my hands from trying to do right by somebody elses kids! Game over !!!So i move on and await the final 18th birthday and live my life with my wife, no burdens, no worries, no fucking disrespectful kids

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