Monday, July 20, 2009

Wifes' Surgery

Tomorrow is the long awaited once cancelled surgery for my wife, her collarbone and rotator cuff need surgical help to get her back on trach. Originally scheduled for the 12th of June she had to cancel as she caught a cold and they would not do it. So the 21st July is the date and that is tomorrow so I keep positive thoughts and hope that she comes out fine and that her recovery is as quick and painless as possible for my wonderful wife. I would be lying if I said that I was not worried about this as her collarbone is dangerously close to her windpipe and that scares me and the doctors as well but the say that they have it under control! So I put my trust in the medical people and cross my fingers for good things to happen, being a Atheist I couldn't very well pray, not only would that be hypocritical but a waste of time, things will go as the are supposed to and I have to believe that even amongst all of my fears of something bad happening to my sweetie that she will be just fine tomorrow!

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