Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Day in the Life! Govt. Spec

Not much to spout off about today but will make an attempt, in between the Weiner rants and raves and the other crap going on around this fucked up world here I sit in peace and tranquility at my desk and thinking of ways to continue my goodness. Knowing all too well that cannot happen til i get home, so I will try to spread the wealth of Love I'm feeling today to my fellow co-workers and customers.

Ok, enough for the candy-assed dancing around, time to hit somebody over the head with the realities of what's really going on in the world. I look around and see so much hatred people who carry a bible in one hand and a dagger in the other and trying to find a sense of balance in their lives. Therapist must be bat a premium because it seems as if 3/4 of America needs to seek counseling for something or other!! As i said, I sit here at work with time galore and work not aplenty and have time to think and spew and stew over shit all day long. Better to do it now than at home where life begins and work ends, unlike some in our family who bring their work topics and drama home and think it interesting enough to share with's NOT! Trust me siblings , T-i-r-e-d!

Ok that's done and now what to talk about, the economy...not, the Republican...shooting fish in a barrel is old and the ongoing bullshit that's happening in Iraq and afghan is the same meaningless shit, but our boys ares till dying and we have what to gain by being there..WHAT? not a damn thing but making George Bus and Dick Cheney Richer by the day, Go America !!!! LEt's see, Sarah is dead, Michele is retarded and Mitt is a dumbass and anybody else that the Republicans have to throw at Obama are a joke, so now what? 2012 should be another proud victory for our 44th President and I hope he does it again. Change is never painless but always necessary and so tired of hearing people say smaller Govt, less taxes and the same old rhetoric that got this country into trouble yet they give billionaires tax breaks to make them richer and want o make everything for the working class harder to come by by voting down everything The President wants to change.

Lastly I have become more disenchanted with the workforce here in this office, always being the guy to answer the questions and get the answers when I don't readily have them i sit here and watch this place fold in 2, lunchtimes and breaks are the biggest priority here it seems and people are never where they are supposed to be when we need them so we  search and hunt for them in hopes that they are at least in the building, not across the street getting something to eat or mailing a letter. The constant taking advantage of a ultra kind and mellow boss has gotten under my skin and oneday i will blow off some steam where it might hurt some feelings. People  forget this is a work  environment that helps to pay our bills and allows usa to do things away from work that unemployed people are not afforded to do! If I were to put a number on it I would say of the 8 people in this office, there would be 3-4 of us working here if this were run by a real world contractor and not the Government.we have some really great people and nice people but they don't get the concept of work versus play and try to incorporate the two, more of the play than the work which makes those of us who want to get our jobs done that much more difficult. Ok i think I'm done spouting,pouting and spewing my anger , til my next devilish, childish spew off session... Good times

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