Sunday, April 25, 2010

Back from a incredible weekend of Golf and personal maintenance time for the gregasaurus. All is well and I feel like I have my bearings back from feeling a little disenchanted with myself and my inability to adjust to life's curveballs the way I generally do. I am feeling a sense of relief after my weekend of Golfing and a few moments away from lifes responsibilities of being Husband, parent and all around good guy!!!!As I progress into the next week of realities and onward goals at work ,home and play, i thank God for allowing me the ability to bounce back and press forward in positive fashion and o excel at solving my life's', minds and worldly problems that are everyday to most around us. My self perspective on my personal insecurities is somewhat solved, by putting so much pressure on myself to say , do and be the perfect person and mistake free human that i can never ever be. I have come to the realization that I must make more adjustments to my self, my life and my entire being if I am going to be as happy as I think I deserve to be. But as I have previously stated I am not the most appreciative of my blessing, or essentially full of myself into thinking that the good life is a God given right. Much to my dismay I Have realized that my world, my life is in my hands and in my power to achieve or fail. As I posted somewhere else"I am the Champion of my victories and Defeats" and must use this mantra as a battle cry to strive and achieve and be the best everything I can be but more so, make myself a better person and a happier person to seek and achieve Greg's overall contentedness and success. I thank all who allow me to me me and don't try to psycho analyze my fluctuating tides of life and living, I am in fact a blessed man with pieces of my life's puzzle strewn across the table in wonderment, I will find it and I will have that puzzle assemble eventually, God Blessed my life , my world and surroundings and all those who are good enough to be a part of it

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