Thursday, April 22, 2010

Re-Energizing and Mental Calibration Update

Much like my previous post of not being overly appreciative of the goodness I have in my life I feel I need to revamp and overhaul certain mindsets in my life. I'm always one to revitalize and and regroup when stagnation, or even before the onset of stagnation starts to set in. So much goodness and love is part of my everyday life, I guess I can sometimes be overwhelmed at the goodness I receive everyday, ranging from the wife ,to the boys and my brothers sister and friends. I get a sense of mental vapor lock at times when i fail to receive the gifts as gifts, i always take things and the goodness as chores or undeserving attributes for which I have not yet earned or deserved in this lifetime. My somewhat pessimistic views of self are overshadowed by my outward positivity towards other, yet for myself I sometimes fail to see the glass in front of me, whereas others view it as half full or half empty. This personal burden of not accepting the things i have been given as deserving attributes has become a constant nemesis in my life, I feel like my self esteem is neither too high or too low, yet I'm stuck in the space that tells me i should not be in the place that doesn't allow me to be a graceful achiever . All of my blessing shall not go unappreciated and i will get there somehow and someway, in the end i want to be a better everything to everybody and will do whatever is required to get there. My emotional and mental re-calibration starts with invigorating myself into the belief that I am worthy of where I'm at in life, and that the gifts I receive are the gifts I can give back. So as i continue this personal struggle of doubt and insecurity with my own self, values and beliefs I can honestly say that my world is a better place everyday and that I may turn this private battle into a victorious and more recognizable place for myself and my family, and to finally believe that I am a deserving soul of the riches and goodness that Money ,or power can never buy. i am trying so hard to be the guy who rises up and takes hold of lives beyond my own, I have been blessed and need to fulfill this promise!

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