Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Mondays!

Happy Mondays, sounds like the name of one of my 80's bands but it is a great Day to be alive, as opposed to the alternative I suppose. Last night we watched our Lakers bring home another title and we watched my brown skinned people make asses out of themselves by rioting and creating ridiculous disturbances in the city. I just don't get it at all, here you are celebrating your teams victory by destructing the city in which you pay taxes to upkeep... does that seem wrong or am I just overreacting to it all? As the game neared its end I texted my LAPD officer friend George and tell him" Hey brother the shit might be going down, be careful , stay safe and hope you have a good shift" he replied back saying , he and his boys were ready at an area mall coordinating their plan of attack, 50 motorcycle and 50 black and whites were waiting on the order to disperse, that order came , they went and conquered! Pretty sad to me that we as adults act stupid at times, here we had 100 police vehicles manning a "Celebration" which translated means riot waiting to happen. These resourses should be out and about protected you and me but they were summoned to baby sit and thus, we as tax payers had to pay the overtime for the extra security and these men had to risk their well being for celebrations' sake. Well All is well , the nsmoke has settled and we awaut the wednesday celebration again with the parade downtown! Very nice to be proud of our teams, can't say the same for some of our people. You would think that this city is used to winning and would have it down by now, obviously not!!!

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