Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I may have Misspoken in Anger

Sorry to have blamed the world for the cowardly acts of one prson in the Holocaust museum Murder today. The act of one sick disturbed individual should not be all inclusive of the world and it' majority of great people. The fact that this comes so close the the Abortions Dr. being murdered has made me a bit irritable and I have swung the hammer in anger at the masses instead of those responsible for the horrible murders. I understand that the security man Mr Johns may have sacrificed himself for the safety in others during the course of doing his job, and saved many lives in doing so, this however resulted in him paying the ultimate price.... His life and loss to his family and friends, for this he is a hero to me and should be recognized as such by the public. Horrific irony that a racist kills a Black man in a museum that recognizes the Germans killing of jews! Again, my thoughts are with the family of Mr. Johns and those who knew him. we go to work everyday and assume nothing will happen, he went to work today and will never go back again. Life is about perspective I think, I really look forward to going to work tomorrow because I am able, and can do so

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