Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Support Group

I feel that I am the most fortunate man in the world, to be called Lucky would be a disservice to my life and all that make it so special for me. Like anything else in this world we must work to achieve and put in the time and effort to get things right. I already went through 1 bad marriage and a destructive realtionship which followed but all these things have helped to shape who I am and I much I appreciate the things that envelope me. My family is so incredibly special ,my brother and sisters are all successful positive and incredibly Happy people as is my Incredible wife Terria, who is a gift sent from some other planet, and i do mean that in a good way I assure you! I have my best friends, the Prozac crew of Miscreants and all around great human beings and my long distance best friend Shawn Mac in N. Carolina who would all be there in a drop to help me or my family if ever in need. What a great feeling to know that all fronts are covered by family, friends and the love that is shared is too incredible to describe. So i send out my biggest, warmest thank you to all of my support group for always being the rock and pillar to me , my family and friends in this circular band of love and affection. Man it is a great day to be alive in America, or anywhere for that matter.... Thank You!! Honey!! Mom, April, Rich, Linda ,Suzie , Tim, Prozac(Brad) Yuc, Erwin, Panda, Dosc, Shawn Mac, Reza,CT, Vinny and Cookie, Momma Angie, Citty!!!! Hell yeah

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