Friday, June 12, 2009

Riots In LA

I await the awful thought of Riots in the streets of Los angeles after the Lakers finish the season as world Champions. Everytime the Lakers win a crown the city always seems to be at its' worst and acts like a bunch of Prison escapees looking to burn, break, steal , hit Maim or destruct something that doesn't belong to them. Sorry to inform, but the city they destruct is the city they call their own and they just never seem to grasp that fact. So heres to hoping that I'm wrong, but I know our people and i know their destructive tendencies , So stop , drop and take cover for the fans of L.A. will have their TV time on the news nationwide. Please be good winners and help preserve the city that so many have tried to build up for so long now...... Go Lakers!!! But moreso... Be responsible and party like you know what you're doing, not like a bunch of Folsom escapees!

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