Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lunchtime Ritual

Being a big dude I am always trying to become smaller, battle of the bulge is a battle not yet won. But as lunch time appproaches for me I get antsy in anticipation of my trip to the gym and working out the bad physical juju like writing does for the mental portion of the same! As usual I will head over to Ballys in Oxnard, a good 10 minute drive and start the workout of alternating days between body parts,like today is upper body and back, tomorrow will be lower body and cardio, each day an hour of nonstop mayhem of 4 sets of moderate weight, well moderate for me who bench presses 455 lbs and max out all the machines ,but am trying to intensify the workouts towards more cardio and circuit training to get the heart rate up and burn more calories. That's the easy part,the hard part is staying away from sugars and starches, that there is painfully difficult but the gym is enjoyable to me and makes me feel better and i have no problem with motivation to get there. i go during lunch so that i can get it done and not interfere with my family life and wife O' mine that i truly love and adore so going after work would cut into my time with her and the boys. The staff at Ballys all know me by name and are friendly as i usually try out my newest quips on them and 90% of the time they think I'm a funny dude and generally at their expense or the poor sap grunting on the free weights with very little weight on it, those guys crack me up beyond belief, or the mirror seeking narcisists who gotta check themselves out 4 times as they walk the mirrored perimeter... damn funny stuff, but at least they are there at the gym working on their body and minds instead of across the parking lots at BJ's drinking Pear cider and getting hammered. Yeah, the gym is another sanctuary of mine that puts me in aplace that i want to be , next stop after that is the greatest sanctuary of all... Home sweet Home.

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