Friday, June 12, 2009

Wifes surgery canceled!

What a bummer, our fears came true as my wife woke up this morning coughing and hacking mutations from her innards. Her collarbone/rotor cuff surgery has be postponed until July 10. Terria is really bummed as she wanted to start the recovery process today and be ready for the new school year in late August. But I reminded her that our Friend Brad(Prozac) is recovering quite nicely after essentially the same surgery and she would at least be able to start work in the 5 week period after her newly rescheduled surgery on July 10, she may not be 100% but good enough to do her job with less pain than she feels now i would imagine. So she must re-psyche herself up and gear down the frustrations of having to wait 4 more weeks to do it again. So i will be supportive as will family friends and all that we know, a minor setback but I will give her the love and support and pump her up for round 2. I'm gong to try to take her to huntington Beach to Brads for a celebratory BBQ for his girlfriend college graduation. Hope she's up to it ! Hope to see you tomorrow Mr. Holland, if not I know you understand!

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