Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lakers Steal One

WOW!, what a heartwrenching loss for the Magic and a clutch victory for the local LAkers! Man that was vintage Robert Horrie heartbreak, stick a dagger in the heart stuff right there. Free throws, free throws free throws how can you miss so many damn free throw???? I love the Lakers and am glad they wo the game but really hate to see a team lose a game like they did. Well here's hoping the Lake Show can finish it off so I can concentrate on the Dodgers without distraction! We shall see who comes out and lays harder on sunday but I truly think this demorilizing loss has cooked the Magics' spirits, we will find out, that's why they play the games! Great gae Trevor Ariza. I did think that the officiating was horrible and too many fouls were called early and not enough i the end, take an elbw to the jaw and that's a foul in any league. Sunday Sunday Sunday!

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