Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Once Again, the world speaks loudly in Hatred

The shooting at the holocaust museum Today is yet another show of the hatred that this country still has for all not Arian and white. I feel bad that we live in a world where nothing is sacred and the value of life is superceeded by its' hatred for those not like themselves! This is just another attack not unlike that of Dr. tiller a week back. I know we are a country of different opinions, but since when do we live like the middle east and have no value for life, the power of opinion is being squelched by terroristic people by scaring people into not having opinions , or standing for anything that varies from their own ideals. i can't say i hate these people for then i become one of them, haters for the sake of hating. How sad it is that this worlds horrible history repeats itself everyday, todays horrific acts seemingly more symbolic due to its location and nature but the same continues on a daily basis in everytown USA . For those who claim there is a God, I'd hope he would step in any day now, this is getting older by the minute.... But they can always blame it on Satan, he's The modern day Lee Harvey Oswald

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