Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The World today

As I sit here and scratch my head at the amazing turn of events going on worldwide I wonder when and where things will improve. Everything I see and read is anti this or that. The Killing of Dr. Tiller the abortion Dr. really upset my faith in humanity, the fact that religious???? people can do the very thing that they dispise and somehow justify their terrible act. but this is but one of the current events that shakes my soul at this point. The whole political arena has become more Anti, if it has a democratic hint to it it is despised by the republicans who call everything Pork-laden, or Socialist, or my favorite last night was "Obama is recruiting terrorism by trying Terrorist here in the US and Imprisoning them here as well" WOW! talk about far right Paranoia, i guess they feel our supermax Prisons which nobody has ever escaped cannot hold them. I guess what I'd like to see if both parties work for the good of the country and not work at ways to counter attack each others Blogs, news reports or TV networks which tend to lean right or left. I myself am a free thinker, not regsitered to vote, do not side with right or left, just right and wrong. We as adults have set a precedence for the youth of tomorrow to follow our very poor lead and it's not like our youth have too many things to guide them properly besides a cell phone or an Ipod, but thats another story that am constantly touching upon in my personal journals or in my Twitter(Gregasaurus2) This is Greg Duran ,and I like to Rant

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