Thursday, June 24, 2010

I don't need professional help (HaHa)

I must be a Psychiatrist wet dream, I have so much shit in my head and try to process every single drop and cannot possibly do so! I just wrote "The Cost" and made a comment under it and re-read it a couple of times, I am one fucked up ,or am one too fucking honest person who recognizes we are all fucked up and all have issues, i like sharing how fucked up I am and it kind is my own therapeutic way to deal with my life. Yeah I have some real hard lines and some sharp edges, but God has given me the ability of expression, so i ask myself, Am i the most fucked up person that most people will ever know, or the most bluntly honest and self medicating in a non drug abuse sort of way type of dude? i don't know but i love me some Greg Duran and my shit is beyond any sort of help, or fixing or care and concern but I thrive on being different and being who i am. Maybe they can do some clinical research on my stupid ass one day but til then I'm striving to thrive and if I fall down in my attempts.,my ass will get back up and try it again differently. Fuck everybody who takes them self too seriously..... Really

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